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About belajararsitektur.com
This web is knowledge sharing in architecture subject and other related things. We providing theory reference and building case studying that can you use as literature and being reference for task and research. We would like help to providing reference literature that hard to getting because the architecture book that expensive and rare.
For visitors, we are providing literature and architecture reference in progress to complete so it can be usefull for visitors. You can being it as reference but don't forget to list the source.
Tentang belajararsitektur.com
This web is knowledge sharing in architecture subject and other related things. We providing theory reference and building case studying that can you use as literature and being reference for task and research. We would like help to providing reference literature that hard to getting because the architecture book that expensive and rare.
For visitors, we are providing literature and architecture reference in progress to complete so it can be usefull for visitors. You can being it as reference but don't forget to list the source.
Tentang belajararsitektur.com
Web ini merupakan media sharing ilmu dalam bidang arsitektur dan beberapa hal lainnya. Kami menyediakan referensi teori-teori dan kasus bangunan yang dapat digunakan sebagai bahan untuk dipelajari dan dijadikan referensi untuk tugas dan penelitian. Kami lebih kepada membantu menyediakan bahan referensi yang sulit didapat dengan lengkap karena keterbatasan buku-buku arsitektur yang cukup mahal dan langka.
Bagi pengunjung, kami menyediakan bahan materi dan referensi arsitektur secara bertahap dan dalam proses terus melengkapi agar bisa bermanfaat untuk pengunjung. Silahkan dijadikan referensi namun sertakan sumbernya.